
  1. I am totally intimidated by Chinese cooking, but this soup sounds great. I would love to try out those noodle dishes you mentioned, too (spicy buckwheat, spicy sesame, etc). Do you kids eat spicy food? If so, I’m super jealous…

    Quick question: Is Fuchsia Dunlop really her name?? That’s amazing!

    • Debra, I used to be intimidated too until I got this book. Really, it’s so easy once you have the ingredients. And yes, my kids do eat spicy food. The older one asks for sriracha, and the little guy just chases it all down with cold milk when required. They’ve been raised on their grandmother’s curry, so they’ve really had no choice!

      And yes, I think it is her real name. It’s quite awesome. As is the book, which is full of vegetarian dishes and I think you would love it. :-) Let me know if you do!